A powerful and disturbing episode, this one. The Bill at its raw best.
TAKING A STAND: Episode 048
Tuesday 20th July 2010, 21.00 to 22.00, ITV1
Repeated on ITV3 on Monday 26th July at 23:00
Sergeant Callum Stone (Sam Callis) and P.C. Kirsty Knight (Sarah Manners) are called to the home of elderly widow Jill Peters (Claire Bloom). Her neighbour David Townsend (Robert Morgan) has reported a disturbance.
When Sergeant Callum Stone and P.C. Kirsty Knight arrive Mrs Peters is extremely anxious and is reluctant to let them in. She eventually opens the door and claims to have been the victim of a burglary. Having looked around the house and spoken to Mrs Peters P.C. Kirsty Knight believes that there is more to this case than just a burglary and gently pushes her about what has occurred.
Mrs Peters admits she was raped and is persuaded by P.C. Kirsty Knight to accompany them back to the station to give evidence. D.C.Terry Perkins (Bruce Byron) interviews Mrs Peters about the attack but she only seems comfortable to talk about it with P.C. Kirsty Knight at her side. Mrs Peters is adamant that she doesn’t want to be examined by a doctor for DNA samples leaving the team struggling to build a case.
CID take on the case and the team focus on witness statements and interview a woman, Carol Hill (Sara Stephens), who claims she saw a man near Mrs Peters house on the night of the attack.
Her description of the man matches the appearance of Mrs Peters’ neighbour David Townsend, leading them to believe that Mr Townsend may have had more to do with it then he’s letting on.
D.C. Terry Perkins feels that Mrs Peters is holding back and they decide to bring P.C. Kirsty Knight back on to the case, although she is uncomfortable and does not feel equipped to deal it. However she is given little choice by Sergeant Callum Stone and convinces Mrs Peters to persevere suggesting that they work their way through it together.
As the investigation continues, it soon becomes apparent that Carol Hill hasn’t been completely honest about what she saw the night Jill was attacked. What did she really see? What exactly was David Townsend’s involvement? And will Mrs Peters finally agree to give DNA evidence?
Away from the case, Sergeant Callum Stone is struggling at work. He finally calls his mother who has been trying to get hold of him. She breaks some bad news about his father. Will Stone decide to reconcile with his estranged father before it’s too late?
THE BILL is a talkbackTHAMES production and a direct commission by ITV. This episode was written by Emma Goodwin, directed by Richard Signy and produced by James Hall.