A Christmas themed two-parter from The Bill this year. This first episode had the working title On The Streets Part One.
Notice the ITV1 transmission has been changed to a Tuesday.
Invisible Man - Episode 021
Tuesday 22 December 2009, 21.00 to 22.00, ITV1
On a cold winter’s morning, D.C.’s Mickey Webb (Chris Simmons) and Jacob Banks (Patrick Robinson) stand at a Thames dockside, waiting for marine officers to offload a corpse found in the river.
They examine the body which has been in the water all night and are confused when they discover the young man is wearing designer clothes, as well as a dirty old looking coat, which is later recognised as belonging to local homeless man Reggie Sharp (Jay Simpson).
After further investigation, the body is identified as Jake Evans and D.C. Grace Dasari (Amita Dhiri) has to break the news to his devastated fiancée Susie Hughes (Amy Cudden). Susie admits that she and Jake had a huge argument a few nights before he died and when Jake broke up with her she moved in with a friend Paul Harding (Gyuri Sarossy).
Grace is convinced Susie is hiding something, but after accompanying her to the morgue to identify Jake, finally believes that she had nothing to do with his death. Grace is also interested to learn that Jake had recently started to volunteer with a local homeless shelter - but how did he end up dead, in Reggie’s coat..?
Mickey and Banksy make enquiries and soon discover that Paul, clearly in love with Susie, went to Jake’s flat the night he died. He admits they fought, but swears Jake was alive when he left.
The officers hit the streets to talk to the homeless community and although no one has seen Reggie recently, the officers discover that he’s friends with a young homeless girl, Nicola (Michelle Asante).
Mickey, having more luck than Banksy, decides to stay out on the streets to see if he can get more information. He soon befriends Nicola, who believes he’s homeless and the pair go to a church which provides food for the homeless.
As they leave the shelter, Nicola sees a thug beating up her elderly friend, Lenny (Barry McCarthy). Mickey rushes to help and after seeing off the man, gains the trust of Nicola who leads him to Reggie. As the group share some drinks, Lenny tells Reggie and Nicola that he’s heard Jake has been murdered and Reggie wonders aloud if someone called Greg is involved.
While Mickey stays out on the streets that night, he contacts Banksy to tell him where they can pick Reggie up. Reggie is taken in for questioning and assists the police by trying to recount his whereabouts on the night Jake died. When they question him about Jakes death, Reggie remains tight lipped but suggests the homeless community are of terrified someone. But who..?
THE BILL is a talkbackTHAMES production and a direct commission by ITV. This episode was written by Andrew Alty, directed by Rob Knights and produced by Ciara McIlvenny.
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