Had a chat with Sam Callis the other day. Here’s what he had to say about Sgt Stone’s pummelled face in Crossing The Line – you’ll remember he was badly beaten when trying to save a female from a battering.
“It took between 90 minutes and two hours to do all the make up. I’m not really good at sitting in the chair for any more than ten minutes, but you just have to give in to it. The make-up artist is brilliant and I thought she did a fantastic job. It’s one thing to do a smashed up face like that for one or two scenes, but to have it under scrutiny, in HD, for the whole episode, it has to be remarkably good.
“It was miserable wearing it. I had to wear false teeth which slipped over my own teeth and pushed my cheek out. That took a while for me to work with because it affects your speech – you have to work at it to ensure you are not lisping.
“I found that, what with the bashed up eye and all, the make-up made me feel quite rotten. I couldn’t wait to take it off at the end of the day. You never actually forget that you are wearing it because, well, for example, the make up on the eye kept my eye half closed. By the end of the day that causes quite a lot of eye strain because your other eye starts working heavily to compensate.
“It is a very interesting process however, and I enjoyed it. It gives you a lot of trust in the make-up, knowing it stands up to scrutiny really allows you to play with it in terms of the character.”
Read the full interview in Monday’s Edinburgh Evening News
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